The Birth of Perle Audio

Starting a blog about audio is something I've thought up recently.  I've gone from broad ideas down to really dialed down topics.  Not to mention, several dozen frameworks on which to build this blog.  Then I thought to myself, people want to read about not just audio (the true audiophiles) but they want to know the inspiration behind it. 


Several years ago, when I was living in Maine, I had a small two bedroom apartment on the second and third floor.  The apartment had a train depot behind it; I remember hearing the trains go by frequently.  It also had a cannabis shop next door.  In those few months I lived there, I realized I want to be a voiceover artist.   


I jumped in and bought an XLR recording kit from Amazon and truthfully I had no idea what I was doing.  I didn't know a thing about audio but the allure of voiceover kept me interested.  I joined an online website that I could submit auditions to and I enjoyed it immensely.  I even got my first gig (unpaid) narrating a book called The Book-Eating Magician.  I was very proud of myself because the guy I was doing the voiceover for was actually blind.  He wanted to hear the book told because he enjoyed the story and because I was able to help him gain just a little bit of joy…that made this journey worth it.


That was back in 2019.  Now, I've decided I want to create a community of people who love audio as much as I do.  I'm not claiming to be an expert in every aspect of audio; I am a learner.  I'm curious.  I believe that audio in the form of sound waves has a special way of connecting to our soul.  It is in every one of us.  


Perle Audio is pronounced “pearl” and the spelling is a combination of letters from my first and last name.  Perle Audio stands for refinement of sound.  Of voice.  I want this to be a household name one day.  I don't know where it will take me but I have big dreams.  


Perle Audio is my legacy….and you are a part of it. 


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